Running posts

How to Build Endurance

What exactly is meant with the word “endurance”?

The word endurance originates from the Latin word “harden”/ “make hard”. In other words, endurance is achieved through hardship.

Endurance is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as the ability to continue doing something painful or difficult for a long period of time without giving up. One example listed in the dictionary: the event tests both physical and mental endurance.

The last part of the definition resonates with me – “TESTS you” – not only physically but, also mentally. I think the person who wrote the dictionary was probably a long-distance runner.

When I think of endurance, I don’t think of a marathon race day. I think of the journey getting to the race day. The training runs! The consistent efforts (mentally and physically)! The struggles and sacrifices! Consistent efforts to overcome all odds and obstacles to reach your ultimate goal. That is my definition of endurance.

Building endurance

Building endurance is a common goal amongst all runners. New runners, experienced runners, runners making comebacks. Reaching new goals feel exciting and motivating, but don’t give up if you have tried endurance training and failed. Try again! Endurance is about consistent efforts!

Here are my 6 tips to help you build endurance:

1. Plan your workouts

Why can you run 5 km but not 6 km? Is this because of mindset or have you not set a goal for yourself that motivates you to push harder to reach the 6 km mark?

The goal and the training plan are equally important. Having a goal but no plan can lead to demotivation and even quitting. Write a plan for yourself or download a plan. Put the plan somewhere where you see it daily and mark off as you complete parts in the plan. Visually seeing your progress makes your goal more manageable and will motivate you to continue.

2. Be consistent

Consistent efforts do not mean you need to exercise every day. Being consistent means that you run on a regular basis and for a consecutive period. Staying consistent will improve your running stamina. This will help your body to adjust and over time, running will feel easier because your body is used to it.

3. Run / Walk

Run/walk can be interpreted in 2 ways:

Number 1 – you can adopt a walk/run method. This means that you incorporate walking into your runs to reach a higher mileage during your runs. You use the walking time as recovery time to help your body go for a longer distance.

Number 2 – you run as per usual. Then you take additional walks during a day. You walk before you start your run, walk during your lunch and maybe even a post dinner walk. This helps your body to normalize being on your feet for longer and will also help build endurance.

4. Strength training

Strength training is a key component in building endurance. Incorporating strength training such as HITT, Pilates, and hill training into your workouts does not only help strengthen your muscles, but also prevent injuries.

Pilates: Pilates for Runners – Sanity Strides

Hill training: Types of Hill Training Workouts – Sanity Strides

5. Speed work

Building endurance and becoming faster are not complimentary goals, but this does not mean that while building endurance you should ignore speed training.

Speed training helps build strength and therefore has a place in your endurance training. You need to adjust your speed training to hill training, fartlek workouts and also longer tempo runs. Work a speed training session into your training plan for once or twice per week. You can also add some easy kilometers with your speed work.

I like to do some shorter sprints once per week (1 km warm up, sprints varying in lengths on a weekly basis, 2 km warm down) as well as one tempo run (10-15 km at a fast yet comfortable pace).

6. Consider all factors

To build running endurance successfully, you need to consider factors in addition to only running. Hydration, nutrition, good sleep, and rest days are all important factors that will prevent fatigue and will allow your body to work harder for longer.

Other blog posts to check out:


Eat Cleaner to Run Meaner – Sanity Strides

Eat Cleaner to Run Meaner (Part 2) – Sanity Strides

What to eat before your run – Sanity Strides

For healthy recipe ideas, see my recipe section on my blog.


It is OKAY to take a break from exercise – Sanity Strides

Let the endurance training begin!